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Tn. Zaenal Abidin [Penjualan]

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Head Office : 7th Floor Suite 0707A Patria Park, Cawang, Jakarta Timur. Marketing Office : Jl. Raya Pondok Gede no. 17B Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur
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DO Meter JENWAY, model 9500, UK
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Negara AsalInggris


DO METER JENWAY model 9500
Description :

* % or oxygen concentration display modes
* Full support for B.O.D. 5-day test
* Security code protected user data
* Calibration data status display
* Calibration reminder
* Reading memory - 250 results plus 20 B.O.D. tests ( up to 10 samples per test)
* Comprehensive data logging options
* Alarm outputs ( open collector and audible)

The Model 9500 is a fully specified dissolved oxygen meter that includes full support for the B.O.D 5-day test protocol. Powerful data logging capabilities are included with the ability to store up to 250 results plus 20 B.O.D. tests ( up to 10 samples per test) either manually, at timed intervals or alarmed events. Remote monitoring and data collection is facilitated by the provision of both analogue and digital outputs and in the event of power removal all user defined parameters are retained.

Specification :
* DO2 Ranges : 0 to 199% , 0 to 25.0% , 0 to 19.99mg/ l

* Resolution : 1% / 0.1% / 0.01mg/ l
* Accuracy : ± 2% within 10° C of calibration temperature
* Temperature ranges : -10 to + 60° C / 14 to 140° F
* Resolution : 0.1° C / 1° F
* Accuracy : ± 0.5° C / ± 1° F
* ATC range : 0 to 60° C / 32 to 140° F
* Manual Temp. Comp.: 0 to 60° C / 32 to 140° F
* Calibration : Automatic
* Outputs : Analogue 1mV per digit / RS232 serial and IrDA printer interface / Alarm
* Clock : 24 hours, hrs/ min/ sec or day of month/ month/ year, leap year corrected ( European and American formats)
* GLP : Calibration reminder interval ( 1 to 999 hours)
Alarm outputs ( open collector and audible) Security code protected user

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